Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ginbot 7 forges an alliance with 2 other parties

Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy (Ginbot 7) has created an alliance with two other parties, Afar People’s Party, and Ethiopian Movement for Unity and Justice.

The press release issued by the coalition announces its name as “Alliance for Liberty, Equality and Justice in Ethiopia” (ALEJE).
According to sources close to the ALEJE, the top members of its leadership include: Dr Berhanu Nega, chairman; Ato Allo Ayhadis Mohammed, Vice-Chairman; and Ato Neamin Zeleke, Secretary General.

Except Gibot 7, the other two parties have so far been operating underground as clandestine groups.

Ginbot 7 has been trying to forge an alliance with other armed resistance groups for the past two years with no success due to chronic internal divisions within the other organizations and Ginbot 7′s own failed tactic of approaching each group for bilateral talks, instead of working to convene a national conference involving political parties, as well as civic groups, elder statesmen, scholars, activists, the media and all other groups who want to see regime change in Ethiopia.
Under a bold, aggressive leadership by Ginbot 7, a transitional government in exile could have been established by now.

The creation of this new coalition, however, is a major step toward a broader alliance that is inclusive of all “stakeholders.”

It’s is also encouraging to see newer, younger faces in top leadership positions of the opposition groups. This needs to be followed in all the other opposition parties — let the younger, more energetic, defiant leaders come forward to lead the struggle. What the struggle needs is less theory and more anti-Woyanne action.

DLA Piper receives $1.3 million from Ethiopia’s corrupt regime

ForeignLobbying.org, a web site run by ProPublica and Sunlight Foundation, has disclosed that the corrupt dictatorship in Ethiopia led by Meles Zenawi has so far paid the Washington DC-based law firm DLA Piper over $1.3 million.

The money has been used to make sure the U.S. Congress doesn’t pass any law that requires the Meles regime improve its human rights record for the U.S. assistance to continue.

The genocidal dictatorship in Ethiopia has also paid the following firms a total of $700,000 since December 2007, according to ForeignLobbying.org:

Dewey & LeBoeuf $511,949.98

Mark Saylor Co $328,040.18

Since late 2007, the Meles regime has squandered over $2 million on lobby firms, instead of using the money for the underfunded social services in the country.

cartoon by -abugedainfo

U.S. to seize properties of corrupt African officials

(EthiopianReview) United States President Barack Obama announced that his Administration would seize money stolen by corrupt African government officials and hidden in the America and the West. (See Dr Alemayehu G. Mariam’s article on kleptocracy in Africa.

The announcement was made on his behalf by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in Uganda at Speke Resort Munyonyo where African heads of state were meeting last earlier this month.

Holder was part of the American delegation to the Kampala summit led by Ambassador Johnnie Carson, U.S. top diplomat in Africa.

In a wide-ranging speech which touched on the terror attacks and America’s help to Uganda, Eric Holder delivered a stinger on the touchy issue of corruption.

“The Kleptocracy recovery effort” he said would target large-scale corruption perpetrated by foreign nationals.

“I have assembled a team of prosecutors (to deal exclusively with this)” he said.

He added, the U.S. is willing to support the development of African judiciaries to deal with corruption.

International cooperation over money leaving national treasuries and entering tax havens and Western banks has long been a sticking issue.

The United Nations in 2005 pioneered the Convention Against Corruption, which sought to cast a wide net against criminality across borders.

Ethiopia’s dictator and his wife, Meles Zenawi and Azeb Mesfin, as well as other top officials, have reportedly looted over 1 billion dollars in wealth since they came to power. A large portion of this wealth has been invested in the U.S. through front corporations and non-profit organizations.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

U.S. Senate( Finally moved) introduces new bill on Ethiopia

United State Senators Feingold and Leahy have introduced a new legislation titled, Support for Democracy and Human Rights in Ethiopia Act of 2010. Read text of the bill below or click here:

To reaffirm United States objectives in Ethiopia and encourage critical democratic and humanitarian principles and practices, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the ‘Support for Democracy and Human Rights in Ethiopia Act of 2010′.


Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Despite progress and an estimated annual growth rate of nearly 10 percent, Ethiopia remains one of the poorest and most hunger-prone countries in the world, with more than half of the population of 78,000,000 living on less than $1 per day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Zenawi's Myth of Economic Transformation & Double Digit Growth in Ethiopia

Abugidainfo.com:  On its August 9, 2010 issue, the Financial Times, a prestigious international newspaper, run an article authored by Mr. William Willis, the newspaper's Africa Editor.

In his article entitled "Perfidious Donors Betray African Democrats", Mr. Willis wrote ".in Ethiopia, the same is almost true but with a disturbing caveat. It is an open secret that the double-digit growth of recent years is
supported by dubious statistics. Yet the same figures are bandied around by development experts arguing that a trade-off between growth and civil liberties is inevitable.". Another study, which was released by Oxford University and the UN on multi-poverty index (MPI) around the same time, has ranked Ethiopia as the second poorest among the poorest 10 countries in Africa, only preceding Niger as the poorest of the poor.
What then are the basis to claims about a "double digit growth" in Ethiopia and all the pop and fanfare sorounding the so-called "economic transformation" and "Development" of Ethiopia under Meles Zenawi's regime?

Such persistent and glaring contradictions between the regime's claims of economic growth and development on one hand and study of other international organizations on the other have prompted a Council of Ethiopian economists and experts to look into the matter even deeper. It is expected that they will make their finding public with regard to Meles Zenawi' claims to an unparalleled "Double digit economic growth".

The Voice of America (VOA) has a two part interview with Dr. Getachew Begashaw, professor of economics and head of the economics department at William Ray Harper College in Chicago, IL and Dr. Aklog Birara, a person who has served at the World Bank as a senior advisor for over thirty years.

Oromo struggle transformed into Ethiopian struggle – Haile Hirpa

In an interview with OLF media, the President of the Oromo Studies Association (OSA) defended the participation of Dr. Berhanu Nega in OSA’s recent conference and declared that Oromo struggle has transformed into Ethiopian struggle.

OSA president Dr. Haile Hirpa said “Oromo people’s struggle can not proceed as before.” Oromo people “must work together with other Ethiopian forces who want to change the government and democratize the country” added Dr. Haile Hirpa.

Dr. Berhanu Nega is the leader of the exiled Ginbot 7 Movement that opposes the current Meles Zenawi regime in Ethiopia. Analysts say diaspora-based Oromo and other politicians want to follow the example of Oromia based groups like MEDREK (Forum for Justice and Democratic Dialogue) that has managed to unite opposition forces by breaking ethnic, regional and ideological barriers. … continue reading at JimmaTimes.com

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Migration could reduce Ethiopia’s population by 46% – Gallup

WASHINGTON — Singapore, New Zealand and Saudi Arabia would see their populations triple if everyone who wants to move there were allowed to, a poll released Friday by Gallup shows.

At the opposite end of the scale, the populations of Sierra Leone, Haiti and Zimbabwe would fall by more than half if migrants were allowed to leave at will, the poll found.

Zimbabwe, where life expectancy is around 47 years and 15 percent of the population need food aid, would lose 47 percent; Nigeria — Africa’s most populous nation with a population of 152 million — and Ethiopia would each lose 46 percent, and Liberia’s population would fall by 45 percent.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ethiopians in the Diaspora sent home $780 million this year

(EthiopianReview)EDITOR’S NOTE: Woyanne uses this money to fuel its machinery of repression. It should be one of the opposition parties’ target if they want to break Woyanne’s backbone.

ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA (APA) — Remittances by Ethiopians in the Diaspora has reached $780 million in the past ten months, the Ethiopian National Bank said here on Tuesday.
According to the bank, this year’s earnings from remittances exceed that of last year by about nine per cent.

The bank said that the amount of remittances Ethiopia is getting each year is on the rise, especially since the past three years.

“We have enforced a new legislation allowing the Diaspora to have saving accounts in US Dollars, which is encouraging many citizens to do so,” said the bank.

However, according to available information, Ethiopia is getting lower remittances than other neighbouring countries, such as Kenya and Egypt.

In 2007, Kenyans in the Diaspora had sent home nearly 1.6 billion dollars, achieving a per capita remittance of 42 dollars.

Ethiopians on the other hand sent home only 359 million dollars, with a per capita remittance of only 4 dollars, according to a United Nations report for 2009.

However, 1.2 billion to 1.5 billion dollars was remitted to Ethiopia through the non-banking system.

Ethiopia is expecting the remittances to rise to around one billion in the next few years.

Yemen deports 150 Ethiopian immigrants

TAIZ, YEMEN — Yemeni authorities in Taiz province have handed over 150 Ethiopian immigrants to Passport and Immigration Authority in Sana’a who were detained for entering into Yemen illegally.

The Immigration and Passport Authority said they will deport the Ethiopians who were handed over by Taiz authorities to implement the orders of the Ministry of Interior.

In related news, security authorities have arrested 19 Ethiopians, 15 of them in Salah districe of Taiz province and others aged between 17-20 years old in Saada province.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ethiopia’s copycat dictator in violation of int’l telecom rules

By James M.

The dictators of our time live by preaching dogmas such as religious fundamentalism and fanaticism, revolutionary democracy etc interwoven with practiced kleptocracy (rampant greed & corruption), misinformation, deceptions, intimidation, scare mongering, repression, extra-judicial killings etc.

Religious fundamentalism, for example, is a fertile ground for some dictators as it is for Al-Qaida. Dictators like Meles Zenawi however come to power having as their cause (illegitimate) liberation of a single ethnic group, but then pave their way to the peak of political power using all known techniques and methods that other evil dictators have been using around the world.
There are plenty of experiences to coach; such as the methods used by J Stalin-Former Soviet Union, Mao and Hu Jintao-Communist Party of China, Milosevic — Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda’s genocide, Omar al-Bashir-Sudan, Kim Jong-il-North Korea, Than Shwe-Burma, Robert Mugabe-Zimbabwe, Ahmedin Ahmadinejad-Iran etc.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ethiopia---- Beware of Those Who Bear Olive Branches

Alemayehu G. Mariam

Beware of Those Who Bear Olive Branches

“Beware of Greeks bearing gifts,” goes the old saying. I say beware of those bearing fake olive branches. In many societies, “extending an olive branch” symbolizes an act of reconciliation, goodwill and peace. In ancient Greece and Rome, people gave each other olive branches as tokens of their intention to bury the hatchet and make up. The ancient Greeks are also remembered for the hollow wooden horse they used to outwit their Trojan enemies and destroy their city.

Following his 99.6 per cent “election victory” this past May, Ethiopia’s dictator-in-chief Meles Zenawi gave a speech offering the opposition a bouquet of olive branches. He solemnly “pledge[d] to all the parties who did not succeed in getting the support of the people… as long as you respect the will of the people and the country’s Constitution and other laws of the land, we will work by consulting and involving you in all major national issues. We are making this pledge not only because we believe that we should be partners… [but also] you have the right to participate and to be heard.” Basically, he promised to set up a special “kitchen cabinet” for the opposition to come in and chit-chat (“consult and get involved”) with him after hours.

Sara Al-Amoudi ordered to pay $19.5 million

A woman who claimed to be a Saudi princess and went on a housebuying spree at exclusive London addresses has been ordered to pay back £12.5 million (US$19.5 million) after a judge ruled against her in a dispute with a property tycoon.

Sara Al-Amoudi, who says that she has dated Hollywood actor Colin Farrell, has now been banned from selling the 15 properties she purchased.

Miss Al-Amoudi – who has attracted the nickname the Vamp in the Veil – tried to gag The Mail on Sunday from reporting details of the court case.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ethiopia's double-digit economic growth supported by dubious statistics

(Financial Times)

In Ethiopia, the same is almost true but with a disturbing caveat. It is an open secret that the double-digit growth of recent years is supported by dubious statistics. Yet the same figures are bandied around by development experts arguing that a trade-off between growth and civil liberties is inevitable. That sounds worryingly familiar to the case used to justify western support for cold war clients. Are African desires for more accountable leadership becoming subordinate again to the opinion of western donors and the commercial and strategic interests of foreign businesses and powers? It is to be hoped that pressure from electorates will ensure that if this is so, it is only temporary. But it is a dangerous time for democracy in Africa.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


(JimaTimea) According to a new index developed by Oxford University and the UN, Ethiopia under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is ranked the second poorest country on earth. The new measurement known as the Multidimensional Poverty Index, or MPI, will replace the Human Poverty Index in the United Nations' annual Human Development Report. The new report says Ethiopia has the second highest percentage of people who are MPI poor in the world, with only the west African nation of Niger fairing worse. This comes as more international analysts have also began to question the accuracy of the Meles government's double digit economic growth claims and similar disputed government statistics referred by institutions like the IMF. In 2009, the percentage of Ethiopians who are in chronic need of food aid tripled to nearly 20 percent of the population compared to 1990 when the country was ruled by the pro-Soviet communist government of Mengistu Haile Mariam. Despite the reportedly worsening economic and political situation in a country where the top opposition leader Judge Birtukan Mideksa remains in prison, the Zenawi government continues to receive billions in aid from the US and other western nations. 10 POOREST COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD

1. Niger

2. Ethiopia

3. Mali

4. Burkina Faso

5. Burundi

6. Somalia

7. Central African Republic

8. Liberia

9. Guinea

10. Sierra Leone

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Steel Vises, Clenched Fists and Closing Walls, (Part IV)

Alemayehu G. Mariam

Publicly-owned assets are acquired in Ethiopia by regime-supporters or officials through illegal transactions and fraud. Banks loan millions of dollars to front enterprises owned by regime officials or their supporters without sufficient or proper collateral. Businessmen must pay huge bribes or kickbacks to participate in public contracting and procurement. Those involved in the import/export business complain of shakedowns by corrupt customs officials. The judiciary is thoroughly corrupted through political interference and manipulation as evidenced in the various high profile political prosecutions. Ethiopians on holiday visits driving about town complain of shakedowns by police thugs on the streets. Even the U.S. State Department spokesman Ian Kelley stated last year that the U.S. is investigating allegations that "$850 million in food and anti-poverty aid from the U.S. is being distributed on the basis of political favoritism by the current prime minister's party."
Over the past three years, high profile corruption cases in Ethiopia have been reported in the media. In one case, it was established that "USD$16 million dollars" worth of gold bars simply walked out of the bank in broad daylight. The official “anti-corruption” agency described the heist as a "huge scandal that took place in the Country's National Bank and took many Ethiopians by surprise [in which] corruptors dared to steal lots of pure gold bars that belonged to the Ethiopian people replacing them with gilded irons… Some employees of the Bank, business people, managers and other government employees were allegedly involved in this disastrous and disgracing scandal." In another case involving a telecommunications deal with the Chinese, a high level regime official was secretly tape recorded trying to extort kickbacks for himself and other regime officials. The same “anti-corruption” agency reported that "there was another big corruption case at the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation that took many Ethiopians by surprise" which involved the "competitive tendering for the supply of telecommunication equipment." After an investigation, FEAC "found out that nearly 200 million USD has been lost to corruption through the entire fraudulent and corrupt process."

Sophisticated Begging” - Meles Zenawi and Aigaforum Style

Fact-- around fifty people showed up for the rally in Washington that the TPLF organized
Amanuel Biedemariam

Leading up to the fake “demonstration” the TPLF or Meles Zenawi’s supporters conducted, they run an ad detailing the reasons for the event. The sign read, “Come for a peaceful demonstration. A huge turnout Demonstration at the White House and State Dept is planned for August 5, 2010 at… in support of Ethiopia’s effort to make poverty a thing of the past, continuous Economic growth and its right to use the Nile River, and in opposition to the recent terrorist acts against our people in Uganda.”

Where to start; so much to ponder?… But first, let’s look at the statement of “peaceful demonstration.” What would “peaceful” mean to a group that put a nation in shackles, committed major crimes on Ethiopians in the Ogaden, Gambella Oromo and roasted civilians in Somalia like roaches; deported thousands of Eritreans after they stole their hard-earned wealth? What would “peaceful demonstration” mean to Meles Zenawi and his Aigaforum criminal partners that shot direct hundreds of innocent civilians in front of the whole world?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ethiopians attend Eritrea Festival 2010 in Washington

A delegation representing various Ethiopian groups in the Washington DC area participated in the 2010 Eritrean Festival in Washington DC Saturday night.

The Ethiopian delegation led by Ato Neamin Zeleke took part in the festival in a show of solidarity with the people and government of Eritrea and to express appreciation for the humanitarian and moral support Eritrea has been providing to Ethiopian freedom fighters, as well as political refugees.

Eritrean Ambassador to the U.S. H.E. Ghirmai Ghebremariam and organizers of the festival have warmly welcomed the Ethiopian delegation.

The festival, which was held at the Washington Convention Center, included Eritrean cultural shows, music and food.

The participation by Ethiopians in the annual Eritrean festival indicates the rebuilding of relations between the peoples of Eritrea and Ethiopia, despite the effort by the fascist tribal junta in Ethiopia that is working hard to sow discord between the two people.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dialogue to Dialogue: How to forge a solid united front

As the struggle to excise the Woyanne cancer that is eating away at Ethiopia moves to a new stage, Ethiopian opposition groups must take care not to repeat the same mistakes in forging a new, vibrant alliance. Thorough preparations and earnest discussions must precede any formal dialogue, according to Ato Sioum Gebeyehou, a management consultant and adviser to Ethiopian Review.

Ato Sioum makes the following presentation borrowing some ideas from the recently published paper by Prof. Getatchew Haile titled ሁሉንም ሞከርነው፤ የቀርን ክተት ነው (hulunem mokernaw, yekeren kitet naw – We tried it all; What's left is armed resistance) to help Ethiopian opposition groups forge a solid alliance that can deliver them victory. Click  to see the presentation.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tony Blair Must Be Prosecuted

Thursday 05 August 2010
by: John Pilger, t r u t h o u tOp-Ed

Tony Blair must be prosecuted, not indulged like his mentor Peter Mandelson. Both have produced self-serving memoirs for which they have been paid fortunes. Blair's will appear next month and earn him £4.6 million. Now, consider Britain's Proceeds of Crime Act. Blair conspired in and executed an
unprovoked war of aggression against a defenseless country, which the Nuremberg judges in 1946 described as the "paramount war crime." This has caused, according to scholarly studies, the deaths of more than a million people, a figure that exceeds the Fordham University estimate of deaths in
the Rwandan genocide.

Al Amoudi-financed rally in DC backfires

The Smallest rally

Supporters of Ethiopia's genocidal junta have made a fool out of themselves Thursday by holding a fake demonstration against Egypt in front of the US Department of State. If they have a problem with Egypt, why doesn't their leader, Meles Zenawi, go to Cairo and talk to Egypt's president Hosni Mubarak? Wouldn't that be more effective than a rally in front of U.S. bureaucrats in Washington DC? They could also stage a demonstration in front of Egypt's embassy, if it is really necessary.

The second issue that was said to be bothering the "demonstrators" is the recent bombing in Uganda's capital Kampala. But what does the U.S. State Department have to do with the Kampala bombing? Are there Al Shababs inside the State Department?

This patently fake demonstration, which was financed by Ato Abinet GebreMeskel, a personal assistant to billionaire businessman Mohammed Al Amoudi, brought out about 50 people, many of whom are employees of the DC area Aksum Restaurant and other Woyanne-owned businesses.

Paid Axum Restaurant employees in front of the U.S. Department of State condemning Egypt

It's noteworthy to mention that very few people from the Tigrean community were in attendance. This is one more proof that Tigreans are distancing themselves from the Meles thugocracy. Meles is now surrounding himself with the likes of Solomon Tekalign — hodaderoch (opportunists) from every ethnic group.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ethiopians hold protest rally at China embassy in DC

12:02 PM (EthiopianReview) – The protest rally by Ethiopians at the Chinese embassy in Washington DC has now moved to the Woyanne-controlled Ethiopian embassy. By totally decimating the peaceful opposition parties in Ethiopia — with financial backing from the World Bank and technical assistance from China — Meles and gang may have thought that they have demoralized and killed the fighting spirit of Ethiopians. From the large demonstration we have seen today, Ethiopians are regrouping and ready to fight stronger and more aggressively than ever with new strategies, tools, and leadership.

Meles-Mubarak 1993 Nile accord revisited

To return a favor to Egypt for helping Meles and gang come to power in Ethiopia, one of the first things genocidal thug Meles Zenawi did was to fly to Cairo and sign a secret agreement with Egypt's President Mubarak.

The July 1993 accord signed in Cairo strips Ethiopia of its right to use the Nile River for development schemes. Article 6 of the accord states:

The two parties agree on the necessity of the conservation and protection of the Nile Waters. In this regard, they undertake to consult and cooperate in projects that are mutually advantageous, such as projects that would enhance the volume of flow and reduce the loss of Nile Waters through comprehensive and integrated development schemes.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ethiopians in Amsterdam beat up a Woyanne thug


Ethiopians in Europe who are attending their annual festival in Amsterdam this week have attacked a Woyanne cadre who dared to wear a t-shirt with Meles Zenawi's photo and walk in their midst.

After getting what he deserved, the cadre ran away and later came back with police officers. The Ethiopians told the officers that the fool was wearing a t-shirt bearing the picture of a mass murderer. They explained that it is like carrying Hitler's photo at a Jewish festival. Many of the people at the Amsterdam festival have been traumatized and forced into exile by Meles Zenawi. The police understood the situation and took the guy away with an advise not to return.

Ethiopian Review has learned that the cadre had arrived in Amsterdam just 2 days ago from Ethiopia, and some suspect that he was sent to the festival to measure the mood of Ethiopians in the Diaspora.

Meles Zenawi's new political pawn: Nile River

December last year, Meles Zenawi signed an agreement with Cairo acknowledging Egypt's quota over Nile River. The agreement was revealed by Egyptian newspaper Al Aharam (click here to read). Now, 7 months later, the head of Ethiopia's genocidal junta is sending his agents to the Diaspora to agitate Ethiopians about Ethiopia's right to use Nile water.

It's obvious that Meles and gang have started to talk about Nile to divert people's attention from domestic troubles. It is a strategy right out Wag the Dog. Although there is no doubt that Ethiopia has rightful ownership over Nile, the most urgent demand of Ethiopians at this time is the removal of the Woyanne cancer, not the use of Nile River.

In a campaign to divide Ethiopians in the Diaspora, Meles has given instructions to Woyanne cadres and bootlickers such as Solomon Tekalign to organize protest rallies against Egypt. The Viagra-addicted Al Amoudi is financing the operation, paying for transportation and hotel accommodation of those who take part in the rallies and meetings.

Unrest feared as Sudan talks stall


The ruling party in Sudan has sought to play down concerns about potential violence after talks between officials from the north and the south stalled over a referendum in the disputed oil-producing Abyei region.

A senior member of the National Congress Party (NCP) told Al Jazeera on Monday that there was no reason that the collapsed talks should escalate into a new conflict.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ethiopians to hold protest rally against China's policy on Ethiopia

A coalition of several Ethiopian groups are coming together to organizing a protest rally against China's political, financial and technical assistance to the genocidal regime in Ethiopia.

The first protest rally will be held in Washington DC on August 5, 2010 at the Embassy of China.

Address: 3505 International Place NW, Washington DC 20008

Date/Time: Thursday, August 5, at 9:00 AM

With China's technical assistance, the Meles criminal regime has been able to deny the people of Ethiopia access to media such as news web sites and radio programs. A few months ago, VOA and DW, which have over 20 million listeners in Ethiopia, have been jammed by Meles and gang with technology provided by China. Last week the independent Ethiopian Satellite TV (ESAT) has become the latest victim of China's technical assistance to the Meles regime.

The organizers call on all Ethiopians in the Washington DC area to come to the Chinese embassy and make your voice heard. China, Stop Supporting Terrorism and Dictatorship in Ethiopia!

Steel Vises, Clenched Fists and Closing Walls, (Part III)

Alemayehu G. Mariam

Note: This is the third installment in a series of commentaries I intend to offer on U.S. foreign policy (or lack thereof as some would argue) in Ethiopia. In this piece, I argue that while some credit is due to the Obama Administration for rhetorically promoting human rights throughout the world giving hope to millions suffering under tyranny and dictatorships, lack of follow up action could transform that hope into despair and anti-Americanism. I further suggest that the U.S. needs to take actions to improve humans rights in Ethiopia or risk moral condemnation for prolonging and sustaining the rule of a criminal dictatorship.