Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ethiopians in Amsterdam beat up a Woyanne thug


Ethiopians in Europe who are attending their annual festival in Amsterdam this week have attacked a Woyanne cadre who dared to wear a t-shirt with Meles Zenawi's photo and walk in their midst.

After getting what he deserved, the cadre ran away and later came back with police officers. The Ethiopians told the officers that the fool was wearing a t-shirt bearing the picture of a mass murderer. They explained that it is like carrying Hitler's photo at a Jewish festival. Many of the people at the Amsterdam festival have been traumatized and forced into exile by Meles Zenawi. The police understood the situation and took the guy away with an advise not to return.

Ethiopian Review has learned that the cadre had arrived in Amsterdam just 2 days ago from Ethiopia, and some suspect that he was sent to the festival to measure the mood of Ethiopians in the Diaspora.

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