Monday, August 2, 2010

Ethiopians to hold protest rally against China's policy on Ethiopia

A coalition of several Ethiopian groups are coming together to organizing a protest rally against China's political, financial and technical assistance to the genocidal regime in Ethiopia.

The first protest rally will be held in Washington DC on August 5, 2010 at the Embassy of China.

Address: 3505 International Place NW, Washington DC 20008

Date/Time: Thursday, August 5, at 9:00 AM

With China's technical assistance, the Meles criminal regime has been able to deny the people of Ethiopia access to media such as news web sites and radio programs. A few months ago, VOA and DW, which have over 20 million listeners in Ethiopia, have been jammed by Meles and gang with technology provided by China. Last week the independent Ethiopian Satellite TV (ESAT) has become the latest victim of China's technical assistance to the Meles regime.

The organizers call on all Ethiopians in the Washington DC area to come to the Chinese embassy and make your voice heard. China, Stop Supporting Terrorism and Dictatorship in Ethiopia!

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