Sunday, February 7, 2010

US Stop Wasting Eritrea’s Time

Amanuel Biedemariam (Dehai) 

There are not enough words to describe what transpired on Sunday January 31, 2010 during the DC Hizbawi Mekete gathering in Doubletree Hotel in Crystal City Virginia. It was mesmerizing and invigorating to witness the passionate, mature, brilliant, determined gathering of Eritreans who came to reject the UNjust sanction and to stand with the people and government of Eritrea. It was a testament to Eritrean Unity, defiance and resistance to injustices. In these events, what keeps being highlighted are the superb ability of Eritreans to organize; their focus, understanding and mastery of the issues pertaining to Eritrea and the region. But what makes these vents even more significant is that Eritreans gather for a purpose. They want resolve, action-plan and commitment from each other and the government. There is a clear understanding amongst all Eritreans that we don’t have any body else that can help preserve the legacy of the dear lives lost for the freedom of this gem, Eritrea. And that is the vivid evidence why Eritrea prevails, time after time in unprecedented ways relative to her counterparts.

The US Democratic Party primary, the general election and the possibility of the first African American President, which mesmerized the world put the Eritrean Diaspora in general and the Metro DC residents in particular in a state of voluntary-limbo for some time. Eritreans did not know what to do with a candidate who preached “Hope, Change, Engagement, Transparency” and all the messages that wooed and wowed America and the world. Eritreans were hesitant not to reject a possible opportunity; open to giving a possible first black president a chance to rewrite some ugly history; rightfully concerned not to miss a great opportunity, and to put Eritrea in a favorable political position. Therefore, Eritreans took a chance, on the first African American candidate for President. This took place while Eritrea was being hounded by threats to be placed in a list of States that Sponsor Terrorism by an incompetent and failed diplomat Dr. Jendayie Frazer. At that time, our only hope for a fundamental American policy change rested with the election of a democratic president.

In a sense the last time Eritreans gathered with fury in defense of Eritrea was in a cold winter day in February 13, 2006 to demonstrate in DC. Over 10,000 Eritreans participated from the US and around the world to show united support for the Government of Eritrea and urge The Bush Administration to demand Ethiopia implement the EEBC decision. The State Department sent a Diplomat and US Ambassador designate to Ethiopia, (which was not revealed to the demonstrators at that time) Donald Yamamoto, to address the crowd. Donald Yamamoto promised that the EEBC will be implemented, however that did not materialize. Since then, Eritreans were forced to take a “Wait and see” approach not knowing what political-direction to take, but hopeful for change, even when there is no history of good will by the US towards Eritrea.

That was an idle-time for Eritreans in the Diaspora because of the election and lack of insight into what type of policy the new Obama administration will pursue in the region and towards Eritrea. That gave the State Department and those who campaigned against the welfare and independence of Eritrea respite to pursue their failed agendas with a limited challenge.

No more! On Sunday January 31 Eritreans came back roaring, with fury, fired up and ready to go; united, to defend Eritrea and in order show support to the government of Eritrea from every corner in a cold and slippery day. The room was full of young, old, men and women from every walks of life.

Eritreans are in the same page

The gathering commenced with a moment of silence (in remembrance of our fallen heroes and heroines) followed by our national anthem. Then the program started with inspiring words from the DC Mekete coordinator, Mrs. Freweini Tekeste, that set the tone, agenda and the psyche by exciting the crowd with her revealing presentation. When she told the audience “if you are not to stand with the people of Eritrea today, not fazed by the injustices and if you cozy up with the enemy, you don’t belong in this room”, the crowed roared and gave a spontaneous standing ovation.

All those who attended the gathering came with the same agenda and understanding what is at stake. They came to safeguard the sovereignty and interests of Eritrea. They want to pass the message of unity; express their dissatisfaction with those who in the name of Eritrea are waging campaigns against Eritrea; to be informed, inspired and for a clear direction. They also want to tell the US government that the Sanction measure it has imposed on Eritrea was unwarranted, illegal, irresponsible, UNjus;t and to show determination to reverse it no matter how long it takes and fully cognizant of the difficulties. They want to support the people of Eritrea in their quest for food security and other endeavors in order to lift the standard of living for all Eritreans. They came for peace not only for Eritrea but for the region and expressed readiness to work with the people in the Horn. And they also want to prepare for the next step.

In a nutshell, that was the reason for the gathering. The slogan was Kidim-Kedadim Dihnet Hager meaning “safeguard the nation first and foremost.” After Freweini’s introduction, a video presentation was followed by brief analysis of media and how it is used in propaganda campaigns around the world and Eritrea was presented by Ms. Saba Sebhatu. That was followed by the guest of honor; His Excellency Ambassador Girmai Gebremariam who briefed the audience about the repeated attempts Eritrea made to engage with the US. He explained that Eritrea has been making tireless efforts to work with the Obama Administration by writing letters and extending gestures. In his briefing, Ambassador Ghirmai explained the duplicitous and dismissive nature of the political antiques at play even when mistakes are apparent and responsible for atrocities against the people in the region.

After that YPFDJ, HAMADE, Organization of Eritrean Americans, NUEW and PFDJ gave short statements condemning the Sanction, the surprise of the day came from a member of the audience Mr, Ghirmay Tewolde who read a poem that sent the audience into frenzy. The poem is a masterpiece, well read, timely and loaded with history and became a perfect segue for the speaker that followed. Then, Professor Asgede Hagos made a presentation that was titled “Sanctions That Undermines US Interests in the Horn”. In it, he highlighted the key US interest in the region; security and dwindling energy resources. He explained the US will increase its dependency on African oil and argued that we must be able to show that Eritrea can play a positive role in that endeavor and, that can go a long way into improving Eritrean US relations.

The last presentation was delivered Dr. Ghidewon Abay Asmerom. It is normally not customary for Eritreans to openly praise one another because there are always those who give more. Conversely, it is hard for Eritreans to accept praise because; one always compares his or her efforts to those who willingly gave their lives and livelihood. That said, what Dr. Ghidewon presented was by far one of the most brilliant and penetrating Tigrigna speeches. The presentation/teaching was timely, historic, educational, savvy, eloquent and precise. It became the embodiment of the gathering. Dr. Ghidewon was able to summarize the presentations of the speakers and managed to morph it into his. He sited words from Ghirmai’s poem and Bereket Mengisteab’s lyrics in an effort to make his points.

Dr. Ghidewon mesmerized the audience with a historic and memorable speech. It was a lesson of history, a look back into American injustices that sentenced innocent black kids that were later exonerated by DNA evidence. Explained the psychological warfare at play and how Eritrea responds to it time and again. He highlighted the indefatigable nature of the Eritrean heart and showed how that grit is ingrained in the psych of the society by quoting lyrics from various singers. He outlined Eritrean vision by referring to a visionary resolution EPLF made before independence. This outline lays-out the vision and how it will be implemented. The core essence of the document is that Eritreans deserve to live in a democratic and just nation; a nation that respects the equality of women and nurtures all the ethnic societies. It is a vision based on core principles, a vision with a commitment to the highest standard of living and it is the vision at work as we speak.

The Core:

You can’t stop people from marching! No one can stop Eritrea. They can not sanction the people of Eritrea. And make no mistake about it; the Government of Eritrea is the people of Eritrea. They may be able to manipulate a world body, a defunct UN, and proclaim this individual or that is sanctioned. But no matter whom they point their fingers at; all Eritreans are ready to take the baton and run with it as Ghrmai, Dr. Asghede, Dr Ghidewon and the participants did. To the contrary, it will arouses more leaders, invigorate the public and reinforce our unity. In fact, this could be an opportunity, a blessing in disguise, and a moment that revealed the truth. It is a test to our unity and a challenge to overcome.

Eritreans are determined to resist and not to go back and kneel to those who sold the country in the past and want to sit along their compadres in the AU, OAU or whatever “U” they quarantine their enslaved mentalities are in. Eritrea is determined not to be enslaved by the enslaved. Eritrea is determined not to live the squalid lives, the spoiled land, the polluted waters, the dry land, the filthy diseased ghettos, rapes and the chaos these murderous thieves have subjected their people for decades to. Eritrea is determined to be educated in order to free herself from the chains they weaved for blacks, for good. And importantly, Eritrea has paid the price and is willing to pay the price as necessary.

The Heading

At the end of the Mekete gathering I was talking with an Eritrean friend. After expressing his satisfaction with the Mekete event, he noted historic strategic failures by successive US Administrations that relegated Eritrea to prolonged hardship. And he continued, regardless, Eritrea always rises to the challenge and demanded; “US stop wasting Eritrea’s time.” It was perhaps a sign of frustration or defiance. Regardless, it caught my attention and I felt that the statement captured the essence of how Eritreans feel regarding the US.

President Obama came to office promising engagement and said we are ready to engage if you are willing to unclench your fist. However, we are witnessing President Obama putting boxing gloves on the clinched fists of tyrants like Meles Zenawi. These are gloves that are laced with venom and directed at the people of Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia. That is not change we expected, change we were promised and change we can believe in.

That is why Eritreans, Somalis, Ethiopians and people from the region are, for the first time, coming together to march in unison to fight the UNnjust sanction imposed on Eritrea, and to express opposition to American support of a despot, Meles Zenawi, who is responsible for the hardship in the region. This is a sure sign that the people are fed-up and determined to stop this madness. They are fed up with successive administrations that prop-up hired scalawags based in AU headquarters in Addis Ababa. They have realized their powers and they are ready to use their swing votes in Virginia and other states to hold those who make lofty claims during campaigns and ignore them once in office.

They are ready to bring change they can control and trust. Now!

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