Sunday, February 7, 2010

Somalia: Ethiopian troops cross border

DEHAI NEWS MAILING LIST ARCHIVE: [dehai-news] Somalia: Ethiopian troops cross border
MOGADISHU (Mareeg)-Ethiopian troops with armoured vehicles have crossed the Somali border and reached Elbarde town in Bakol region in south western Somalia, witnesses said on Sunday.


Pro government Somali militias trained recently in Ethiopia have also come
with the Ethiopian troops. Reports say the pro government Somali militias
are planning to attack towns controlled by al Shabaab in the region.

Residents in Elbarde town have expressed fear about the re-entering of the
Ethiopian troops in the country. The situation is tense in Elbarde, where
the Ethiopian troops made bases and arrested some teenagers.

The move comes as former Baidoa governor, Abdifitah Gesey said they were
ready to attack Bay and Bakool regions and recapture from al Shabaab.


Separately, more other Ethiopian troops entered early on Sunday in parts of
Hiraan region in central Somalia.


The Ethiopian troops have reportedly made bases in Sarirale Mountain near
Baladweyne, the provincial capital of Hiraan region.


The motive behind the re-entering of the Ethiopian troops is not known, but
it comes as the Somali government was making military movement and vowed
fighting against the Islamist rebels in Somalia.

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