Saturday, January 26, 2013

Eritreans Angry over reporting of the fake attempted Coup in their country

Editor..  We had thousands of comments over the last couple of days regarding the fake reporting of a coup attempt in Eritrea. It is safe to say that reporting of this event was shown on Aljazeera, BBC, AFP e.t.c. and the  reporting was done with no verification on the ground. Horn of Africa news will in the next few days gather important information as to where this rumor got started. As to the reaction we have selected a few comments that generalize the reaction of Eritrean to the event.  


Never for a minute there be a doubt about the strength of Eritrea and the government. They have not seen nothing yet! In any case, Why is Natna.wordpress shut down. The site is something the a lot of us proud of. I hope Sam will keep it open if not move it to full site. Please consider it again Sam Hawena.


Deki Ere, yesterday, for about 6 hours, Martin Plaut , Dan Connell and handful of Eritrean HASUS where going up and down barking like a mad bulldog. What was Eritrea doing at that particular moment? Eritrea and the Eritreans were marching forward leaving the dogs bark louder and louder in their one room cage. I could picture Martin Plaut knocking his head against the wall, I could see Dan Connell knocking his head against his table, and could hear the Eritrean HASUS cursing his mother for giving birth to HASUS (him/her). However, to wit what Eritrea and Eritreans were doing at that particular moment,. 

1. Report on: “ Nevsun 2013 Outlook and Production Guidance” 

2. Report on: “Sunridge Gold Begins Drilling Gold Cap at Kodadu, Asmara Project, Eritrea”. 

Deki Ere, and now you know it is these and much more good things about Eritrea that is driving Martin Plaut, Dan Connell, the Eritrean HATELA to go up and down the street barking like a mad bulldog. Now you know! 

Stay on course and aim high for we are almost there!


The Martin Plauts and Dan Conells of this world will always do what they do best - serve their pay masters. So no surprise there! Those with ill wish towards Eritrea had a field day on Monday. The fact that it was short lived was not entirely unexpected either. But after 15 years since 98, the Eritrean government has not learned a lesson it seems. In an era of propaganda war, ‘the truth will come out in the end’ philosophy will not do. Why on earth doesn’t the government come out and quell the wild rumours as quickly as possible. If a renegade army official is the cause for the disruption, why not say it as soon as possible rather than leave ill-wishers to speculate and spew as they wish. There is financial connotation to image these days and the government needs to understand that. The other important aspect is the credibility of our media outlet to serve the truth. If it carries on as if nothing happened, it’s simply leaving the general public to seek half-baked news else ware.

FROM My 2 Cents....

Benedict Arnold is the most famous traitor in the United States. He betrayed the USA and surrendered valuable information to the British. 

Eritrea has its own "Benedict Arnold"s. Those who betrayed Eritrea in London yesterday will get the same treatment in the UK. I hope they learn from Benedict's story. "Invading an Embassy" is no different from invading a nation, and can be considered as treason. 

Read below: 


"He is known as the most famous traitor in United States history. He plotted with the British for 16 months. He was revealed as a spy when Captain John Andre was captured with papers detailing the plans of West Point, papers that came from General Benedict Arnold. He escaped capture, and was made a Brigadier General of the British Army. 

He was regarded as one of the best generals of the American Revolution - for both sides. 

He was promised 20,000 pounds as payment for his losses in changing sides, but never received the entire amount. 

"After the war, the British government granted him lands in Canada, but he spent most of his remaining years in the West Indies as a merchant. 

He finished his years in debt and generally distrusted by all."


Spot on! mb. I was thinking the same about both evil clowns, Gail and Dan. I want to thank you for your effort in exposing these evil people. 
If i may add....Both Dan and Gail are servants of the evil empire, USA. Dan did everything he can to make Eritrea a puppet state like Ethiopia. 
As it is self evident he failed. But he never gave up. I am sure as an "expert" he makes extra money from part time employer, al CIA. 
Since he and his handlers know his sinister ways have been uncovered by Eritrean people them moved to plan B, use Eritreans to do their dirty job. 
That is were the so called activist, opposition groups, independent journalist come in. 
This is very important as to give it an Eritrean face. Use Eritreans to destroy Eritrea. This is typical Evil Empire move. 
They have not given up. They have moved to PLAN C. Attract anything eritrean, create false story and spread it like wildfire. Go after Eritrea economy.


Who's Dan Connell really? How can a person who genuinely seemed to support and advocate Eritrea's independence and self reliance for half his life, suddenly is hell bent on destroying it? How can such a person have a sudden change of heart? 

Dan claims he was born in New Orleans, LA. He then moved around midwest before settling in New Englad area. He states after his divorce, he headed to Africa to learn about people's (meaning us)struggle for liberation. 

I think he probably, in the mid 1970's, started that way but half way things changed. I think in the late 1970's and early 1980's both the EPLF and TPLF were being infiltrated. Dan Connell approached EPLF as a journalist, writer and a hippie revolutionist. He basically became one of the comrades (tegadalay) to cement a solid relationship with the top leadership. 

On the other camp Gail Smith ("so called journalist") approached the TPLF and basically following Dan's path, she also managed to cement a solid relationship with Meles and co. Fast forward to 1991. EPLF liberated Eritrea and handed Ethiopia to TPLF on a silver plate (you cannot hide the truth). Gail Smith managed to ascend to become advisor of the then new formed Ethiopian government under Meles. She along with her colleagues from the US embassy and state department mentored the new Ethiopian leadership, eventaully bringing them into the fold, where they ended up being the best USA's protege in the region. Later Gail Smith was promoted to secretary of African affairs and after that she was at the state department, eventaully ending up being Director of NSA (National Security Agency). Along the way she mentored Susan Rice. 

Dan Connell returned to Eritrea after independence in the early 1990's, but his relatioship with EPLF was shaky due to several reasons. The EPLF leadership did not want to do anything with him. He was trying to do the same thing what Gail Smith did in the south, but failed miserably. 

Thus, the alternative solution for him was to come back here (USA), wield some division between the Eritrean people, exploit media/democracy/human rights and destroy Eritrea in a different way, so he thought. He along with Trish Hepner (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)recruited and organized fomer Asmara University student and other refugee youth. They roamed and still roam all over Africa including Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, south Africa....searching for former Eritrean fighters, national service youth and any Eritrean with grievances against the government. They try to exploit people's grievances to wield division. It is natural for some fainted heart, weak and unaware (zeyneqehe) person as some University of Asmara Students to fall victim to this cheap shot, but most Eritreans are conscious, aware, vigilant and patriotic. 

I can confidently say that Dan Connell has miserably failed in his second mission to destroy Eritrea and I pronounce his last-ditch effort sick; Actually I will pronounce it dead. 

"The Price of freedom is eternal vigilance" Yitzhak Shamir. 

P.S: Dan I know you are going to read this. Please pardon my English grammatical errors, as I also know you are an English professor.

From Bana...

A Big Holiday celebrated the day after the coup. How is that possible, This has never happened. Here is your proof Ed Al-mewlud celebrated with no incident, when all work places were closed, and people have free time .

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