Saturday, November 12, 2011

Indescribable poverty in Ethiopia

 by Shalom (EthiopianReview)

No one can afford to have one meal a day in Ethiopia, most of the citizens stay with empty stomach, and if they are lucky enough they would get something left out in the new rulers (Tigrians) neighborhood trash can and compete with the dogs to fill their stomach.

Anyone can recognize at first sight that Starvation and sickness are pictured on the face of the entire people, except the new Tigrian rulers, who are having everything in their possession.

Most of non-Tigrian starved children look an adult, and their limbs are stiff and faces are dry and wrinkled, because they are deprived the nutritional juices destined for the future development of the body. However, on the other side the rulers’ children even not allowed to stay in Ethiopia, as they do not deserve to be there, so they are shipped to UAS and Europe to private Ivy League schools and waste the money extravagantly by competing with their equivalents from other part of the world.

The restaurants, cafeterias, and shopping malls are seen crowded with Tigrians and foreigners, but, other non-Tigrians Ethiopians could not even stand close to the area, if they do they would be pushed by security forces.

Eating three meal become histories in Ethiopia; no one eat meat at all, even the price of shiro and tella, (the common ordinary Ethiopians foods) become exorbitant, and no non-Tigrian Ethiopians could afford such high price. But the new rulers (the Tigrian gangs) have so much to waste and most of luxurious restaurants are busy serving them.

Every cars and buildings in Addis Abeba exclusively owned by Tigrians, and no non-Tigrian Ethiopians would have such privilege unless h/she has Tigrian God father protecting him/her.
Boling tea and making coffee two or three times a day also become histories, since the price of sugar and coffee are unaffordable. Those we used to take for granted become scarce, and only become affordable by the new rulers (Tigrians).

Most of young girls in elementary and high school age, forced to start their life as a prostitute, as their family could neither feed nor afford to send them school. Even most of the girls support their family instead by being prostitute. The saddest part is prostitution is illegal in Tigray and most of the families could afford to either support or send themschool, as they get compensation from the Government (TPLF).

Every Tigrian get support from the government (TPLF) for being Tigrian, so as long as you are Tigrian you do not need to work to survive, as you collect your monthly allowance form the government covertly.
Nothing left for non-Tigrian Ethiopians, but endless suffering and misery, and I am sure death sets an end to our suffering if we refuse to fight back and reclaim our freedom.

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