Sunday, October 31, 2010

Woyanne to launch people-to-people tour in the Diaspora

Woyanne, the ruling tribal junta in Ethiopia, is preparing to launch a people-to-people tour in Europe and North America with known athletes and artists.

Recently, the Woyanne Minister of Culture and Sports Aster Mammo held a secret meeting in Washington DC and set up a committee to help coordinate the program. The committee is composed of the usual suspects — Al Amoudi employees Ayaya Arega and gang who have hijacked and looted the Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA).

Aster had tried to hold a similar meeting in Seattle last Friday, but the brave Ethiopians there chased her away.

The purpose of the tour is to counteract the recently intensified anti-Woyanne activities in the Diaspora.

Meanwhile, 20 out of 27 ESFNA teams have signed a statement supporting the invitation of Birtukan Mideksa as a guest of honor at the Federation’s next event in July 2011.

Fearing backlash, the Ayaya gang-dominated executive committee is reconsidering its decision to disinvite Birtukan. The gang’s biggest fear is the auditing of ESFNA’s finances by an external auditor as the teams have been demanding. Some of the teams are now threatening to file a lawsuit if the executive committee refuses to be audited.


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