Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quaranting the International Crisis Group’s Political Hoax

                                                              ICG's Mission Statement

While ECSS believes there are some strong historical facts offered, we assert this report’s
subpoints are seriously underdeveloped and full of improbable and hasty conclusions. The report, however, in order to give itself some resemblance of credibility bluntly claims that it “draws upon more than ten years of work on and field research”.

The false pretence of the report’s title was all too deceiving and misinforming. To continue in this vein the report has depended, in a nonstop way, on interviews attributed to individuals (which the report declines to reveal the number and representativeness of the interviewees), which it has used them as undisputed facts through out. Furthermore, the report has not provided any other sound shreds of evidence except voluminous assumptions, opinions, denials and constant use of loaded terms, all devoid of true or fact-based information. Besides, it relies heavily and indiscriminatingly on secondary sources, whose authors are known to have little, if any, direct knowledge with Eritrea and its President.

Therefore, both in substance and in approach; the ICG report contains significant flaws and major dalliances from both science and reality. Unfortunately, this paper would do a disservice to
its readers by distorting facts and realities about Eritrea and its political culture......

Full Report Click here

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