Friday, October 8, 2010

Meles semantics come from his Western allies – TIME

TIME magazine writes about opposition leader Birtukan Mideksa’s release and questions whether it is for show. TIME also points about the West’s implicit approval of Meles Zenawi’s anti-human rights conducts by continuing to give him hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance every year. His regime has received over a billion dollars from the U.S. Gov’t alone in 2009.

"Meles has come under little pressure to lead his country any other way — and his semantics come straight from his allies. A U.S. State Department briefing note on Ethiopia exemplifies Western equivocation by giving the impression that the country is moving forward." – TIME

The billions of dollars in assistance and military training the Meles brutal regime is receiving from the Obama Administration makes the Ethiopian people’s struggle for freedom extremely difficult.


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