Monday, October 25, 2010

“Foreign Affairs Minister” hold talks with U.K. soccer team


Meles Zenawi’s new, non-Tigrean, “Foreign Affairs Minister” Hailemariam Desalegn has assumed his position and one of his first major tasks is a meeting with an English football team, while the real Foreign Affairs Minister, Berhan GebreKristos, a central committee member of the Tigray People Liberation Front (Woyanne), is calling on U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and his other foreign counterparts. Individuals like Hailemariam have a conscience of a pig. That’s why they allow Meles Zenawi to use them as puppets while giving real power only to his ethnic group. For every non-Tigrean minister, there is a Tigrean official (deputy or state minister) who holds real power.

The following is a report by the Woyanne-controlled Ethiopian News Agency (ENA):

Foreign Affairs Minister Holds Talks With English Premier League

Addis Ababa (ENA) – Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn held talks here on Monday with the Chairman of the English Premier League, David Richards.

Hailemariam said the working with the England Premier League would revive Ethiopian football.

He recalled that Ethiopia is one of the founders of African foot ball teams and has a significant contribution for the development of football in Africa.

However, he said, Ethiopia still lags behind compared to other African countries.

Richards said on his part that he was happy about everything he has seen in Ethiopia.

The prevalence of peace and security in the country in particular would have a significant contribution for the development of sport.

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