Saturday, September 11, 2010

The unceremonious dismissal of Sibhat Nega

The biggest loser in this week’s reshuffle inside the TPLF top leadership is the 72-year-old Sibhat Nega, who was a one-time chairman and most powerful person inside the tribal organization that is currently ruling Ethiopia.

The media that is under the control of Meles reported that Sibhat was not re-elected due to his age, which is far from the truth.

The reshuffle took place at Tigray People Liberation Front’s (TPLF) 10th conference in Mekele this week.

The feud between Sibhat Nega and Azeb Mesfin, the wife of Meles Zenawi, came out in the open about a year ago when she managed to force him out of EFFORT, a conglomerate of 60 corporations, to make a space for herself. That was followed by his ouster from the TPLF politburo. He expressed his displeasure publicly about his forced resignation when he was interviewed by VOA in June 2009

According to sources close to TPLF (Woyanne), Sebhat Nega is bitter about the way he was sent off from the organization by Meles and Azeb. After all, it was Sibhat who groomed Meles for leadership and brought him to power. He was a father figure and mentor to Meles. When Siye Abraha, Gebru Asrat and others were about to remove Meles from power in 2002, it was Sibhat who protected him and helped him remain in power. Now that Meles has secured his position, he returns the favor by throwing out Sibhat like an old rug. When a founding member and long time leader of an organization retires, one would expect at least some fanfare as a show of appreciation.

TPLF rank-and-file members are also unhappy about the promotion of Azeb Mesfin to the TPLF executive committee, which is the de facto supreme governing body of Ethiopia. They had hoped that new faces would come to the top leadership. Instead, the change was simply a consolidation of power by Meles and Azeb, who have now an unchecked power by surrounding themselves with loyalists and yes-men. Some are wondering if the next person to come to the executive committee is Semahal Meles.


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