February 5, 2010
Mr. Elias Kifle
Publisher, Ethiopian Review
Annandale, Virgina
Re: January 27, 2010 On-Line Article Entitles "Ethiopian billionaire's daughter faces stoning in Saudi"
Dear Mr. Kifle:
This firm represents Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi and his family.
We are writing to you regarding the content of your article entitled "Ethiopian billionaire's daughter faces in Saudi," appearing on-line in the January 27, 2010 edition of the Ethiopian Review. Your article states that the "identity of the alleged Saudi Princess given secret asylum in the United Kingdom early last year has been revealed" as Sarah Mohammed Al Amoudi, daughter of Sheikh Mohammed Al Amoudi. The alleged Saudi Princess referenced in your article is not the daughter of Sheikh Al Amoudi, The information in your article making the link between the alleged Saudi Princess and the Al Amoudi family is false, highly inflammatory, and is a defamatory statement.
We insist that you immediately cease and desist from making this false and defamatory statement. We also demand that you issue an immediate retraction of the article by issuing a formal statement disclaiming the link between the alleged Saudi Princess and the Al Amoudi family, by removing the reference to Sheikh Al Amoudi and his family from this on-line article, and by issuing an apology to Sheikh Al Amoudi and his family.
If you are represented by counsel, have your counsel contact us immediately to discuss this very serious matter. If you are not represented, you may contact us directly to confirm arrangements for the retraction and apology.
Very truly yours,
Mary E. Gately
500 Eights Street, NW
Washington DC 20044
T. 202 799 4507
F. 202 799 5507
Ms. Gately,
Here is my formal statement:
Screw yourself. Same goes for all DLA Piper "lawyers." Stop bluffing and face me in court.
Yours truly,
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