Global Research, Investig'Action

Thirty four minutes. That is the time it took the UN Security Council to
decide on Eritrea's fate. The Council effectively passed Resolution
1907/2009 imposing sanctions on this small country in the Horn of Africa.
But this decision is based on fake information and a campaign of lies waged
principally by the United States, the United Kingdom and Uganda. Only China
abstained, while Libya voted against.
Eritrea is accused of providing arms and ammunition to armed groups in
Somalia and of maintaining conflicts with its neighbours in Ethiopia and
Djibouti. It is obvious that the Security Council members who voted to
impose sanctions knew nothing about the history of Eritrea nor the situation
in Somalia. The Asmara government, on the other hand, has repeated
endlessly to the United Nations that it has not provided arms to Somali groups. Not only does it not have the means to do this, but it has on top
of that put forward proposals for the resolution of the crisis in Somalia,
e.g., to open up dialogue for the purpose of reconciling all the parties
involved in the country, without foreign interference.
The UN took no notice but instead accused Eritrea. But it was not Eritrea
who created the problem in Somalia. It is not she who invaded that country
nor violated the 1992 arms embargo. Who are those who are really
responsible then (1)? None other than those who today steer the Security
The Horn of Africa is for Washington a strategic reason where it seeks to
establish a military base. Its aim? To control the Middle East and access
by Africa to the Indian Ocean. Ethiopia and Djibouti are on side. But
Somalia has not had a government for the last 20 years and the country has
been plunged into chaos. When the Islamic Courts movement managed to bring
peace to the country in 2006, the Ethiopian army, supported by Washington,
invaded Mogadishu. Since then the situation has gone from bad to worse.
Then there is Eritrea which holds out against the imperialist powers to
pursue an independent policy.
It is precisely for this reason why it is under fire today. The Asmara
government does its best, with the limited means at its disposal, to protect
its people from being plundered and bullied by colonial powers. The
country's economy relies mainly on a developing agriculture, and the
government gives great importance to raising educational standards, while
the infrastructure network is relatively well developed. In addition, the
country has important deposits of gold, copper, gas and oil which have not
yet been exploited. These reaw materials are whetting the appetite of
neo-colonial powers. But Eritrea is following its own model of development
and wishes to dispose of its wealth as it considers best. example for the
The US is seeking therefor to marginalise Eritrea. This is why they caused
unfair sanctions to be imposed on this country. But the members of the
Security Council ought to take into account all the facts and the evidence
available in order to find a peaceful solution to the problems in the Horn
of Africa. Demonstrations in Europe, the US and Australia are planned for
the purpose of appealing to the Security Council to review its decision
(2). The countries of Africa need peace. They don't need arms dealers,
invasions or sanctions.
Mohamed Hassan
Mohamed Hassan
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