Friday, December 3, 2010

U.S. official in charge of Africa policy caught in a lie (Wikileaks)

In September 2007, nine months after Ethiopian despot Meles Zenawi invaded Somalia, the top U.S. officials for Africa policy, Ms. Jendayi Frazer, told TIME magazine: “We urged the Ethiopian military not to go into Somalia.” [read here]

The just-released U.S. diplomatic cable that is leaked to [read here] contradicts Jendayi’s statement. It is now confirmed by the U.S. Government’s own diplomats that the Woyanne invasion of Somalia that resulted in the killing of 20,000 Somali civilians and the displacement of 2 million others was masterminded by the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa and carried out by the beggar tyrant in Ethiopia.

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