Sunday, July 4, 2010

Rwanda to honor Eritrean president Isaias Afewerki for his role in ending the 1994 genocide

Rwandan President Paul Kagame on Sunday said among the many individuals who contributed to the liberation of Rwanda and to stopping of the 1994 genocide were some African heads of state, among them the Eritrean leader Isaias Afewerki, whom he said will be honoured with the country’s liberation medal.

In his speech on Liberation Day in Kigali to honour the 16th anniversary of the end of the 1994 genocide, Kagame said the Eritrean President will be honoured at a later date when he has the time to receive his award from Rwanda.

He added : “Just like we honoured those two personally present, it is in this regard that we want to honour the contribution of the President of Eritrea such that he can deliver our appreciation to the people of Eritrea.”

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