Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Woyannes (Ethiopian Ruling Group) vow to build closer military ties with China


The Meles regime plays China against the U.S. as more U.S. officials express discontent with worsening political crisis in Ethiopia. The news below about Woyanne's military cooperation with China is Meles Zenawi's way of telling the U.S. that 'I do not really need your assistance, I can go to China.' The Obama Administration must call Woyanne's bluff and stop all assistance to the despised junta. It will crumble in not time like a house of cards. The U.S. is well served to align itself with the people of Ethiopia, not their tormentor, Meles and his gang of genocidal murderers.

( — Senior Chinese and Ethiopian Woyanne military officials pledged Monday to establish closer relations between the two nation's armed forces.

The Chinese armed forces attached great importance to relations with the Ethiopian armed forces, said Chen Bingde, chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China, while meeting with Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Ethiopia, Samora Yenus.

Chen hailed the long friendship between the two armed forces, saying the PLA hopes to work with the Ethiopian armed forces to further cement the traditional friendship and expand pragmatic cooperation.

Samora said the two countries are both dedicated to building sustainable and solid bilateral relations based on friendly cooperation.

Ethiopia is satisfied with the friendly cooperative relationship between the two armed forces, he added.

The Ethiopian armed forces hope to foster closer links with the PLA in the new century to benefit both armed forces, Samora said.

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