Friday, December 25, 2009

2,000 illegal Ethiopians to be deported from Yemen

SANA'A, (Saba) – Yemen is to deport 2,000 Ethiopians, who have illegally entered the country, the has mentioned.

A well-informed source has pointed out that the deportation process comes under the agreement signed between Yemen and Ethiopia and these Ethiopians would be transported by air to their country.

According to the UN statistics, Ethiopians formed majority of those Africans who moved to Yemen in 2009 instead of Somalis in the previous years despite of the continuation of fights across the Mogadishu capital of Somalia.

It is worth to mention that Yemen suffers from the constant influx of displaced people from the African Horn, who form additional economic burdens on the national economy, which makes it imperative for the international community and organizations to assume their responsibilities to help Yemen to be able to face this large influx of displaced people to the country.

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